torsdag, augusti 10, 2006

Välja vara

Mötte en person som inte kunde tro trots att det säkert skulle "ge mycket" som hon sa. Diskussionen tog slut där. Som om "jag kan inte" innebär att saken är klar. Jag ville säga: men själva det faktum att du lever och har fri vilja innebär att du BÖR tro. Saken är inte klar. Men jag sa ingenting, blev så trött.

På kvällen mötte jag följande härliga ord av Bill May:

"John Paul II emphasizes this in Veritatis splendor. There he eloquently expresses the truth that it is in and through the actions we freely choose to do every day of our lives that we determine ourselves and give to ourselves our identity as persons; we make ourselves to be the persons we are."

Att vi alltså fått nåden att göra, välja, vilja, skapa. Att "jag kan inte" är en tveksam inställning. Vidare May:

"As the Pope says, “It is precisely through his acts that man attains perfection as man, as one who is called to seek his Creator of his own accord and freely to arrive at full and blessed perfection by cleaving to him” (no. 71). Our freely chosen deeds, he continues, “do not produce a change merely in the state of affairs outside of man but, to the extent that they are deliberate choices, they give moral definition to the very person who performs them, determining his
profound spiritual traits” (ibid.)."

Moralisk definition ja ! Att förhärda i sekulär humanism innebär ett moraliskt ansvar. Att undvika tron är en moralisk definition som skär ner den mänskliga personen.

"In developing this great truth John Paul II calls attention to a beautiful passage from Saint Gregory of Nyssa’s
Life of Moses that magnificently makes clear the existential, religious significance of our daily deeds:

All things subject to change and to becoming never remain constant, but continually pass from one state to another, for better or worse.... Now, human life is always subject to change; it needs to be born ever anew... but here birth does not come about by a foreign intervention, as in the case with bodily beings...; it is the result of a free choice. Thus we are in a certain sense our own parents, creating ourselves as we will, by our decisions (cited in VS, no. 71).

Thus each free choice a person makes to do something involves “a decision about oneself and a setting of one’s own life for or against the Good, for or against the Truth, and ultimately, for or against God” (no. 65).

Wow ! Ingen kan säga det tydligare. Läs själv hela Mays artikel.

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