fredag, december 28, 2007

En man som sa att han var Gud.

Vad handlar julen om? En ovanlig födelse? Feliz Navidad!

Enligt Luigi Giussani är det detta: en man som sa att han var Gud.

”Then his friends, those who knew where he was from, knew his mother, would go with him almost every day (by this time, they would go along with him almost every day), were often at home with him, terrified, were asking each other, “Who is this man?”

What did they mean, who is he? You know his father, you know his mother, you visit him at home, you know very well who he is! But he was so extraordinarily exceptional, that all they knew of him faded away; it didn’t answer. He was truly mysterious, he was a mystery.”

Och mer:

"But it’s not just the miracles that the Gospels are full of; there was another miracle that he carried, that he had brought to Zacchaeus, that he brought to the sinful woman: forgiveness–because man is incapable of forgiveness; there is no mother or father who is able to forgive.

For us to forgive is to forget, for us to forgive is to cover up, for us to forgive is to let things go, for us forgiveness is trying to forget. Here, forgiveness was bringing to rebirth–transformation...

An event, a man, who called himself God: “I am the way, the truth and the life.”

I am God, I am the Mystery who makes all things; I am the principle and the aim of everything; I am the meaning of the aspiration to happiness, to truth, to justice, and to love that constitute the nucleus of your “I,” the nature of your “I,” your heart.

Our natural religiosity comes across an event of history in which a man, born in the womb of a young girl of fourteen or sixteen, once grown up, says, “I am God.”

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Hej Staffan.

Här är ett inlägg ifrån en realist.

Vill gärna se dig skriva riktiga realist inlägg då jag vet att du följer vårat exempel. Världen är den verklighet vi lever i, skapad av en högre makt och våran enda gud, förmänskligad i jesus krist och våran frälsare. What the bleep are we doing here, är ett gäng kvacksalvare som försöker förmänskliga det övermänskliga och gudomliga. Jag blir själv väldigt förargad av vad dom säger, då dom själva vill ta åt sig äran av en fråga som står utom vårat vetande, och en fråga som bara kan besvaras av en gud, den enda. Mvh en hängiven elev